Title: Data Entry and Bulkloading
Date: January 9, 2018
Time: 3:00pm ET
Abstract: Arctos is both a community and a collection management information system. It provides fundamental research infrastructure for biodiversity data, and is intended for curators, collection managers, investigators, educators, and anyone interested in natural and cultural history. Over 3 million records are publicly available from 20+ collaborating institutions.
This webinar will cover the two primary methods for getting data into Arctos: data entry and bulkloading. While data entry provides a simple interface to enter data for specimens individually, bulkloading allows the user to upload a .csv file of multiple records. Both methods incorporate tools for data standardization and basic cleaning prior.
Presenter/s: Emily Braker (Collection Manager of Vertebrate Zoology, CU Museum of Natural History) & Teresa Mayfield (Collection Manager, UTEP Biodiversity Collections)
Moderator: Erica Krimmel (Assistant Collection Manager, Chicago Academy of Sciences)
Links to any relevant pre-reading materials for best experience:
- Learn more about Arctos (https://arctosdb.org/)
- Arctos Data Portal (http://arctos.database.museum/SpecimenSearch.cfm)
- AWG Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/arctos-working-group)
- Link to how to get the most out of Adobe Connect: https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Web_Conferencing