Quick Tour: Results

There are different ways of viewing and customizing search results in Arctos. You only need to be logged in if you want to download your search results.

  • Catalog Record Search – Arctos by default has a limited number of columns that it displays in the search results. However, you can customize the fields that are displayed in your search results by selecting “Customize Search & Results” at the top or bottom of the search interface. The columns that you see in the results table are the columns that will be downloaded. If you are simply exploring Arctos for particular holdings, a useful option is “Summarize Results” under “Tools” which which provides a summary count by selected criteria, where the options match the fields that are displayed in the results table; if you want to click on the count to access the specific records, you must select “Link to Records” as well as the other field(s) of interest. If you want to visualize the data on a map, select “BerkeleyMapper” in the “Tools” options.

    At the top of the results table is a count of the records that were returned from your search; you can view up to 100 records on a page. If you are logged in, you will see additional options in the “Tools” menu depending on your permissions. For large searches, you can “Request Data” which will be provided as a comma-separated (CSV) file.

  • Encumbered Data – All data are accessible to the public unless they are masked (encumbered) by curators or collection managers for specific reasons. These data are accessible only to individuals who have Arctos permissions to manage the collection with the encumbered data.