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Category: Arctos Tips
How to refine search results
It is often useful to first perform a general search, then "search within results" to incrementally explore specimen data and reduce the results set. First, search for something. Sorex yukonicus currently returns 34 specimens. At the top of the results page, click "show/hide search terms." A form will appear. Use the "add a row" select … Continue reading How to refine search results
How to change Collecting Event of a group of specimens
1) Find specimens. 2) Under Manage, choose Specimen Events. 3) Scroll to the bottom, carefully reviewing specimens as you go. 4) Click Pick Event. Find the new event, click "use this." 5) Click "update all..."
Create a new taxon name+classification
This describes one method of creating a new name in Arctos, while bringing along classification data. First, make sure the "new" name does actually exist.... ...and does not exist in Arctos.... Then find the "donor" name, in this case Find the "donor" classification, and click "Clone Classification as new name." Enter the new name and … Continue reading Create a new taxon name+classification
Locality Update
THIS PAGE DOCUMENTS AN ARCTOS RELEASE SCHEDULED FOR JULY 9 2012. Locality Documentation This document supercedes all other locality documentation. Major changes to the model (and, partially, their implications) are summarized here. Specimens lose their (singular) pointer to place information; cataloged_item.collecting_event_id is no more. Geography (geog_auth_rec) exists as a parent to locality, as before. Geology … Continue reading Locality Update
How to use DOI/PMID to create Arctos publications
As of November 2011, Arctos has undergone major surgery in how Publications are created. First, some history: "Formatted Publications" were dynamically created by concatenating publication information (such as title and page numbers) together with Agent Names. Along with requiring information that was not useful for locating specimens ("show me specimens published on page 32...."), this … Continue reading How to use DOI/PMID to create Arctos publications
What are Media?
Here we provide a few examples of Arctos Media. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather a sampling of current Media helpful in understanding the breadth of Arctos' non-specimen content. Arctos Media and their relationships are dynamic things, and we never really know what all is in there! The most basic … Continue reading What are Media?
Customizing Arctos headers with CSS
[ copied from ] * IMPORTANT * You will want to try this out in TEST before moving to production! You must coordinate loading all images with the development team, or host them on your own site. * IMPORTANT * To customize the header for your collection, you may simply supply the required values … Continue reading Customizing Arctos headers with CSS