Arctos Committees
Arctos Working Group Members may participate in committees or special interest groups that are formed to address specific needs. Committees may be permanent or meet until a specific project is completed. Committee membership is not restricted to Working Group Members and may include anyone from the user community or who has expertise in the area of interest. If you want to join an existing committee, contact the listed organizer. If you want to start a new committee, contact any of the Arctos Working Group Officers.
Current Arctos Working Group members are listed in Arctos
Provide guidance and assist the community in creating useful agent profiles and managing information related to people and organizations in Arctos.
Organized by: Beth Wommack
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Code Table
Provide guidance and assist the community in creating useful controlled vocabularies in Arctos. Anyone is welcome to attend meetings with the Leads, who are code table administrators and are responsible for maintaining controlled vocabularies. This is a permanent committee.
Organized by: Michelle Koo
Meeting Schedule: Every other week on Thursday at 1 PM Pacific in the Arctos Zoom Room
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Provide guidance and assist the community in creating appropriate policies and procedures for ensuring that Arctos is welcoming to everyone.
Organized by: Beth Wommack
Meeting Schedule: Third Thursday of each month at 1 PM Pacific in the Arctos Zoom Room
Strive to continuously update Arctos documentation, primarily through maintenance of How To documents in the Arctos Handbook and video tutorials hosted on the Arctos YouTube Channel.
Organized by: Emily Braker
Meeting Schedule: Last Wednesday of each month at 1 PM Pacific in the Arctos Zoom Room
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing and using encumbrances in Arctos.
Organized by: Angie Linn
Meeting Schedule: Meets last Friday of the month at 11:00 Alaska time
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing and using Arctos entities.
Organized by: TBD
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Genomic Resources
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing genomic resources.
Organized by: Hannah Appiah-Madson, Rosie Poulin
Meeting Schedule: Meets second Friday of the month at 10AM PST in the Arctos Zoom Room
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing and developing the vocabulary and spatial profiles for higher geography in Arctos.
Organized by: Genna Anderegg
Meeting Schedule: First Monday of each month at Noon Pacific in the Arctos Zoom Room
Media and Observation
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing media and observations in Arctos.
Organized by: Carla Cicero
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Object Tracking
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing object tracking in Arctos.
Organized by: Hannah Appiah-Madson, Rosie Poulin
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing parasite and pathology data in Arctos.
Organized by: Mariel Campbell
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Provide guidance and assist the community about how to manage fossil collections in Arctos.
Organized by: Nicole Volden
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Provide guidance and assist the community in managing Permits in Arctos.
Organized by: Hannah Appiah-Madson
Meeting Schedule: As needed
Provide guidance and assist the community in creating useful taxon name lists and associated classifications in Arctos.
Organized by: Genna Anderegg
Meeting Schedule: First Thursday of every other month at 10 AM Pacific in the Arctos Zoom Room