Here we provide a few examples of Arctos Media. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather a sampling of current Media helpful in understanding the breadth of Arctos’ non-specimen content. Arctos Media and their relationships are dynamic things, and we never really know what all is in there!
The most basic Media are those showing specimens. These may be found by requiring Media with any other specimen search criteria.
This will return specimen records which have Media – in this case, diagnostic pictures of lemming teeth created for an undergraduate rodent key project. Similar searches will find images of dinosaur bones, beached whales, herbarium sheets, eggs and egg data slips, and steppe bison.
Non-specimen Media may be located from the Media Search interface. These include historic landscapes, habitat, wildlife and evidence of wildlife, people, teaching material, accession data, locality cards, undergraduate projects, taxonomic treatments, and necropsy reports.
Media include images and their accompanying high-resolution DNG originals, field audio recordings, PDFs, and video. Media may be arranged as multi-page documents, and these may include TAGs that point to people, places, or specimens.