Arctos Webinar Series: Transactions in Arctos (accessions, loans, permits)


Title: Transactions in Arctos (accessions, loans, permits)

Abstract: Arctos is a community of museums that collaborate to manage and host their data online. Over 3 million records are publicly available at, a searchable biodiversity database for scientific research, resource management, and education. The Arctos database is used both for querying museum records (see webinars 1 and 2) and for managing information about the collections.

This webinar will provide a short introduction to how transactions (accessions, loans, and permits) are managed in Arctos. Topics will include collection-level permissions and the basic tools for creating and updating different kinds of transactions, managing agents, and linking transactions to projects and media.

Presenter/s:  Carla Cicero and Michelle Koo (Staff Curators, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley).

Moderator: Erica Krimmel (Assistant Collection Manager, Chicago Academy of Sciences)

Links to any relevant pre-reading materials for best experience:

Start Date:
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 – 3:00pm to 4:00pm EST
AdobeConnect URL:

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